Una finestra sul mondo - A Window to the World
"Photography is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world"
(Bruno Barbey)
(Bruno Barbey)
Photography Class - Saturday January 13th, 2018 @2:00-3:30pm (7 weeks)
Photography Class - "Bridging Italies":
This 7-week course takes the students from to the fundamentals of photographic art using digital imaging techniques to completing a number of assignments that emphasize camera controls, composition, subject matter, and image editing.
The course format will encompass both technical and practical demonstrations in and out of the classroom.
The topic of the final assignment is "Bridging Italies" where students will build a portfolio of images and stories that will portray old and new Italian immigration.
Final work will be exhibited at ISTITUTO MONDO ITALIANO.
Students are expected to bring to class their own REFLEX camera.
This 7-week course takes the students from to the fundamentals of photographic art using digital imaging techniques to completing a number of assignments that emphasize camera controls, composition, subject matter, and image editing.
The course format will encompass both technical and practical demonstrations in and out of the classroom.
The topic of the final assignment is "Bridging Italies" where students will build a portfolio of images and stories that will portray old and new Italian immigration.
Final work will be exhibited at ISTITUTO MONDO ITALIANO.
Students are expected to bring to class their own REFLEX camera.

Sean de Courcy Williams, a recent new comer to Pittsburgh, was born and raised in Italy where he started photographing during his many travels around the world. Sean uses his photography as a means to tell the different realities that he comes into contact with. A passionate and enthusiastic photographer, he has organized several photographic projects and taught several classes. To him, photographing means "getting deep into the stories that should be told": that is to get into relation with what we see and make a connection which allows us to be at the same time present, but invisible.
"Your camera is a fascinating tool to visually narrate a story. Explore reality through your own vision. This is the challenge".
"Your camera is a fascinating tool to visually narrate a story. Explore reality through your own vision. This is the challenge".
Sean de Courcy Williams è nuovo a Pittsburgh. Nato e cresciuto in Italia si avvicina alla fotografia durante i suoi numerosi viaggi come mezzo per raccontare le diverse realtà con cui entra in contatto. Appassionato fotografo, ha al suo attivo vari progetti fotografici ed esperienze come docente. Per lui fotografare significa immergersi completamente nelle storie che si vogliono raccontare: entrare in relazione con ciò che osserviamo, stabilire una sintonia che ci permetta di essere al contempo presenti ma invisibili. Narrare attraverso la fotografia. Esplorare la realtà attraverso l’immaginario e la propria visione, che è unica: questa è la sfida.