Rome: in flight over the eternal city and Latium

Rome: the biography of a city - 1985

Hercolaneum: Italy's buried treasure - 1985

Dante - 1985

The woman of Rome - 1984

Marcovaldo - 1966

Ravenna: mosaics, monuments and environment - 1989

The Divine Comedy of Dante: INFERNO - 1982

Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis. Poesie - 1970

The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. Paradiso - 1986

The surprise of Cremona - 1954

The stones of Florence - 1987

Italo Calvino: Racconti - 1964

Italia Mia. Photobook by Gina Lollobrigida (II Edition) - 1983

Great Italian Cooking. La grande cucina internazionale

Pleasure of ruins - 1964

Corto viaggio sentimentale - 1968

Caccia al ciclope - 1987 Special Edition

La storia di San Michele - 1964

Elias Portolu - 1970

Vino e pane - 1971

Teatro - 1966

Liriche e tragedie - 1979